Adding an Execution Flow Rule

Once an execution flow rule is created, you can link it to any process in the project in which it was created. Rules linked to a process can direct the execution flow in that process when the rule is selected as an On True or On False Action option in steps of child processes.

To add an execution flow rule to a process:

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Processes.

    The Processes window opens.

  1. In the Summary pane, right-click on a process and select Edit or double-click a process.

    The Process Editor opens.

  1. In the Execution Flow Rules pane of the Details tab, right-click and select Add.

    The Execution Flow Rule Manager dialog opens.

  2. Select one or more rules to link with the current process.

    Press the <Ctrl> key while selecting more than one rule. For a range of consecutive rules, press the <Shift> key when selecting the range.

  3. Click OK.

    The execution flow rules are added to the process and appear in the Execution Flow Rules pane. The rules can be used at the step level with the On True/On False to change the execution flow.

    For more information, see Adding Steps to Processes.

To create and edit execution flow rules:

For information on how to create and edit execution flow rules, see Creating a New Execution Flow Rule and Editing an Execution Flow Rule.


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