Worksoft Process Intelligence

Worksoft Process Intelligence calculates the value of process automation and optimization with continuous business process insights through intelligent automation. It delivers automation recommendations by highlighting and targeting areas for increased efficiency, cost reduction, and customer experience.

With Process Intelligence, you can do the following:

  • Gain 360° insights

    Gain unprecedented insight with comprehensive views of your business processes generated from multiple data sources in real time. Update insights continuously with a closed-loop approach that enables you to leverage current automation by using testing and execution as your sources.

  • Automate processes

    Use automation to validate processes and analyze process patterns. Identify opportunities to improve efficiency, maximize Return on investment (ROI), and identify ideal processes for robotic process automation (RPA).

  • Document and analyze

    Identify risks and inefficiencies with up-to-date documentation of actual business processes. Also, use the documentation for training, compliance, audits, and best practices.

For an overview of the product, see the following topics:

For information on how to use Process Intelligence, see the Process Intelligence How To section.




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