Adding Recordsets to Processes

You can add recordsets to processes in the Process Editor. In the Details tab, you will need to add a layout before you add recordsets to the process. Select an associated recordset or a variable, and then set the recordset mode.

To add a recordset to an existing process:

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Processes.

The Processes window opens.

  1. In the Processes Summary pane, complete one of the following:
  2. Double-click a process
  3. Right-click on a process and select Edit

The Process Editor opens.

  1. In the Details pane, click the Select Layout button if a layout is not selected.

    The Select Layout dialog opens.

  1. In the Layouts Summary pane, select a layout.
  2. Click OK.

The layout appears in the Layout field of the Process Editor.

  1. In the Details pane, click the Recordset Name drop-down arrow and select a recordset from the list.

The recordset is added to the process.

  1. Click Save.

To add a variable to an existing process:

  1. From the previous procedure, repeat Steps 1 - 5.
  2. In the Details pane, click the Select Variable button.

The Select Variable dialog opens.

  1. In the Variables Summary pane, select a variable.
  2. Click OK.

The variable appears in the Recordset Name field.

To set the recordset mode:

After you add a recordset or variable to your process, you need to set a recordset mode. From the Recordset Mode drop-down list, select one of the following options:


When Executed

How Executed

Read Only

Reads recordset at the beginning of execution.

Loops process once for each row until End of File.


Writes recordset at the end of execution.

Appends to existing recordset and loops process until Abort or Exit.

Clear and Append

Writes recordset at the end of execution.

Creates new recordset for each execution session and loops process until Exit.

Read and Update

Reads recordset at the beginning of execution.

Updates the recordset at the end of the process.


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