Understanding Certify.exe

Certify.exe is a command-prompt program that gives you the ability to execute Certify test processes without the use of the standard Certify user interface. This program also allows you to automate test execution from batch files or other automation products, such as schedulers or business rules engines.

The Certify.exe program is located in the main Client installation directory. This program requires a Certify client and Microsoft .NET installed on the machine. Certify updates Certify.exe by pulling a new file from the auto-update folder and overwriting the local Certify.exe file.

The program can be started from a:

  • Microsoft Windows DOS Command prompt
  • Windows Run dialog
  • DOS batch file

If the Certify client directory is in either the system or user search path on the machine, DOS batch files that are not located in the main Certify client installation folder calls the program by using a fully-qualified path or by program name.


Listed in the table below are the parameters needed to create processes to run in Certify.exe.



Required Field


short form = actionTimeout

Set the timeout in minutes for process execution when the execution engine does not receive a response from the interface.

Valid values are listed below:

  • 0 (default is no timeout)
  • 1 - 120 minute(s)



short form = /Attribute

Format is Name|Value Name|Value. (short form /Attribute)



Multiple instances are allowed with this parameter.


Depends on whether the attribute is required.


short form = /Authentication

Specify the authentication mode you want to use to authenticate users:

  • DATABASE (default)

    Use SQL Server authentication.

    Requires a SQL Server username (/dbuser) and password (dbpassword) values.


    Use Azure SQL Managed Identity for authentication.

    Requires a /dbuser = <azureusertoken> value. A /dbpassword is not required.


    Use Windows credentials to authenticate with the SQL Server.



short form = /BPPLanguage

Language for report:

  • English (default)
  • French
  • German




short form = /BPPReportName

BPP report name



short form = CaptureScreenOn

  • CaptureNone (Default value)
  • CaptureAbortedSteps
  • CaptureAllSteps
  • CaptureFailedSteps
  • CaptureAbortedAndFailedSteps
  • CaptureScreenOn
  • WindowChange



short form = certifyconnectionid

Access database connection details through Worksoft Portal.



short form = CreateOutputLocation

When True, the Certify Results directory will be created if it does not already exist.

  • False (Default)
  • True



short form = DBName

Database name



short name = DBPassword

Database user password



short form = DBServer

Database server name



short form = DBUser

Database user name



short form = DisableLogging

Disable logging

  • False (default)
  • True



Require encryption between the SQL Server and client

  • False
  • True (default)

For maximum security, /trustservercertificate parameter should be false or [-].



short form = ErrorLogFile

Error log file

Default value is blank.



short form = ExecutionFailThreshold

Set the number of failed steps, after which the execution will halt.

  • 0 (default)
  • 1 - 1000



short form = executiontimeout

Set the number of minutes after the execution times out.

  • 0 (default)
  • 1 - 3000



short form = Help

Display the usage of the command line



short form = Interactive


  • False (default)
  • True



short form = Layout

Fully qualified Certify layout name

You should start with the first-level folder name and not start with the project name or slash (short form /Layout).



short form = /licensesessionid

License session ID

If the license is valid, Certify will use it for execution and not obtain a new license.



short form = LogStepMode

Logging steps

  • LogAllSteps (default)
  • LogAbortedSteps
  • LogFailedSteps
  • LogProcessOnly
  • LogStatusOnly
  • LogDisabled



short form = OutputFile

File system path for generating an output XML file

The path should end in .xml.

Default value is blank.



short form = OutputLocation

Fully qualified Certify log folder name

You should start with the first-level folder name and not start with the project name or slash (short form /OutputLocation).



short form = OutputPDF

File system path for generating an output PDF file

The path should end in .pdf.

Default value is blank.



short form = OutputPDFType

Output PDF report type:

  • processexecution (default)
  • processexecutionsummary
  • processexecutionrecordset
  • bppgenerated



short form = /Password

Certify user password



short form = Persistent Token

If you are using Worksoft single sign-on (SSO) authentication, you need to use a persistent token instead of a username and password.

First, generate a token in the Worksoft Portal in the User Administration page. Copy the token to the clipboard and add persistentToken={token} to the Certify command line.

Tokens are generally in the form of a 64-character long alphanumeric string.



short form = Process

Fully-qualified Certify process name

You should start with the first-level folder name and not start with the project name or slash (short form /Process).



short form = pid

Process ID



short form = Project

Project name



short form = /QCIntegrationUser

QC integration user name



short form = QCResultXML

File system path for generating an output XML file

The path should end in .xml

This parameter is specifically used as a part of our integration with Micro Focus ALM/Quality Center.

Default value is blank.



short form = Recordset

Certify recordset name



short form = RecordsetMode

Recordset mode

  • Read Only (default)
  • Append
  • Clear and Append
  • Read and Update



short form = RPA Model ID

It takes the unique ID of the RPA model that needs to be executed.



short form = ScreenCaptureMode

Screen capture mode

  • CaptureDeskTop (default)
  • CaptureActiveWindow



short form = sshc

Set the number of step screenshots prior to a failed step.

  • 3 (default)
  • 0 - 5



short form = SkipResults

Select to open the Results window after the process execution.

  • False (default)
  • True



short form = StepDelay

Enter the number of seconds that you want to delay between each step of your execution.

Step delay helps resolve timing issues when testing your application.

  • 0 (default)
  • 1 - 100



short form = StopOnFailure

Stop execution when a failure is encountered in your process. Failure includes failed and aborted steps.

  • False (default)
  • True



short form = Suppress Attachments

Suppress attachments

  • False (default)
  • True



short form = Title

Title of execution file

Default value is [Process name] - [time stamp]



Trust the SQL Server certificate.

  • False
  • True (default)

For maximum security, /trustservercertificate parameter should be false or [-].



short form = UseCertifyConfig

Use the user ID and password from the Certify Configuration file.

  • False (default)
  • True



short form = UseProcessData

Use process data.

  • False (default)
  • True


/user name/user:<string>

short form = User

Certify user name



short form = Verbose


  • False (default)
  • True



short form = XmlOutputType

If FullOutput is designated, then the generated output XML file will contain all details about the result—each process, each step, recordset data, images, etc

If PartialOutput is designated, then the XML file will contain only high-level details.

  • PartialOutput (default)
  • FullOutput


Command Line Format

The Certify.exe program parses command line arguments formatted as name value pairs separated by one or more spaces.



  • The space <sp> character is a special character and is used as a parsing delimiter.
  • The name string cannot contain any space characters.
  • If the value string contains any space characters, then the value must have opening and closing quotation marks ( " " ).

Name Value Format

The Certify.exe program parses each name value pair from the command line arguments into separate name and value strings.

The equal ( = ) character is considered a special character and is used as a parsing delimiter. The name string cannot contain equal ( = ) characters.

The program validates each name string against the following set of rules:

  • Each name string must start with a leading forward slash ( / ).
  • Names are not case sensitive.
  • Each name string, excluding the leading slash ( / ) must exactly match a supported option name.
  • Required options must be present in the command line.
  • Parameters that do not allow multiple instances in the command line must have only one instance.

Process, Layout, and Log Folder Names Format

Valid processes, layouts, and log folder names must have a fully-qualified format and must contain the following:

  • Project name
  • All folder names
  • Name of the specific item

The path separator can be a back slash ( \ ) character or a forward slash ( / ) character.





Folder names cannot contain the following characters:

  • Forward slash ( / )
  • Backward slash ( \ )
  • Pipe ( | )
  • Opening and closing quotation marks ( " " )

If you use a folder name with one of these characters, an error will be generated, and the process will be aborted.

Attribute String Format

Valid attribute strings can have list values. The pipe ( | ) character is considered a special character that is used in delimiting list values of an attribute.



Process Examples

Example 1: Basic Process

Certify.exe/dbserver=localhost /dbname="worksoft test" /dbuser=user /dbpassword=password /project="test project" /user=jsmith /password=password /process="test process"


Example 2: Process with Layout and Recordset

Certify.exe/dbserver=localhost /dbname="worksoft testdb" /dbuser=user /dbpassword=password /project="test2 project" /user=kjones /password=password /process="test2 process" /layout="test2 project\test folder\test layout" /recordset="test recordset" /recordsetmode=read /outputlocation="test2 project\worksoft result folder"


Example 3: Process with Attributes

Certify.exe/dbserver=localhost /dbname=worksoft /dbuser=user /dbpassword=password /project=worksoftproject /user=jsmith /password=password /process="testproject\testfolder\testprocess" /layout="testproject\testfolder\test layout" /recordset="test recordset" /recordsetmode=read /outputlocation="test2 project\test result folder" /attribute="name|value1|value2"


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