Configuring an External OpenID Provider
Worksoft Portal tenant administrators can configure a single sign-on with an external OpenID provider.
To configure an external OpenID provider:
Sign in to the Worksoft Portal as an administrator or superuser.
From the Worksoft Portal menu, select Portal Configuration > OpenID Configuration.
The External OpenID Configuration page opens.
- Enter the following external OpenID provider information in the respective fields:
- Authority URL
- Client ID
- Client secret
- Grant type
- If using Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE), select one of the following Use PKCE options:
- From the Response Type drop-down list, select one of the following response types:
- code
- id_token
- none
- token
Click Test and Save.
A message appears stating if the connection works.
Click OK.
If your test configuration does not work, you may need to add key values to help identify the external provider.
To add key values:
The key values are added in request headers when sending a request to an external provider.
- Scroll down the External OpenID Configuration page to view the Attributes section.
In the Attributes section, click the Add Key/Value button.
A row with editable fields appears.
In the Key field, enter a unique key.
In the Value field, enter a value.
Click Test and Save.
A message appears stating if the connection works.
- Click OK.